
Real Estate Industry

The Real Estate Industry in the USA, including the housing sector, is the second largest in the nation by revenue. Generating annual revenues of over USD 170 billion in 2012, and with an annual estimated compounded growth rate at around 6% per annum, the industry is often considered as the bellwether of the economy.

We at Azimuth Infotech have a variety of products that are tailored to meet the demands of various players in the Real Estate industry, including Appraisers, Brokers, Appraisal Management Companies, Lenders, Title Insurers etc. Each of our products have been developed along with experienced practitioners in the industry, and have been customized to give each client a solution that fits in with their processes, and saves them both time and money.

Appraisal Reports Data Entry

Almost 40% of an Appraiser’s time is spent in the preparation of Appraisal Reports; time that could be put to better use, in carrying out more inspections, and generating more income.

Azimuth Infotech’s Appraisal Data Entry service is a boon to any Appraiser who wants to improve upon productivity and revenue. Our highly trained hands will work 24 X 7 to complete your reports in Win Total®, ACI®, Click Forms®, SFREP® etc. along with sketches, maps and photos.

Surely this is an Appraiser’s dream come true!

Comparative Market Analysis Report

Thinking of putting your house up for sale? A Realtor would be able to give you an opinion of its value that will help when you go to the market.

Azimuth Infotech specializes in preparation of such reports called Broker Price Opinion (BPO). Our Data Entry Service for this report helps Realtors in the same way that Appraisal Data Entry service assists Appraisers.

Title Search

Azimuth Infotech provides commitment typing service to Title Companies nationwide. Our unparalleled service allows our Clients to ramp up/down as necessary and optimise costs. Our dedicated agents are at hand 24 X 7 to offer solutions right from Order Opening to Final Title Policy, eliminating the need to maintain Abstractors, Searchers etc.

We work with AIM ®, TitlePoint ®, DataTrace ®, DataTree ®, SoftPro ®, RamQuest ®, Gator ®, Title Express ®, LandTech ® etc.

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